Cookies & Privacy - Eurocardan


(includes browsing data and cookies processing)

The company Eurocardan S.p.A. with registered office in Eurocardan S.p.A. - Via Firenze 25 - Zona Ind.le - 66041 - Atessa (Ch), VAT number 00622040699, as Owner of data processing

registered and unregistered users who connect to the web site, that personal data collected by the owner, acquired by third parties or voluntarily provided by the interested parties, will be processed lawfully and correctly, in compliance with the principles laid down by European and Italian laws. The main rules governing processing of personal data are the European Regulation 679/2016 and the Legislative Decree No. 196/2003, as amended by Legislative Decree No. 101/2018.

In order to ensure independent monitoring with respect to the effective application of the rules for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of their personal data, the owner has appointed a Data Protection Officer within the meaning of art. 37 of Reg. EU 679/2016, who can be contacted at address



Natural person to which to the data processed by the Owner or by the Data Protection Officer belong


the natural or legal person, the public authority, the service or any other body which alone or jointly with others determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data

Data Protection Officer

the natural or legal person, the public authority, the service or any other body that deals with personal data on behalf of the owner of the data processing on the basis of a contract that regulates the conditions of the appointment

Purpose of data processing
The activities of processing of data collected through the web site is carried out by the owner at the premises of the company in compliance with the safety measures and requirements imposed by the European Regulation 679/2016, by parties responsible or delegated by him (specially selected and having the required professionalism), through manual and computerised procedures, in order to give the user an easy and rewarding browsing experience, to gather useful elements to improve the offer of products and services via the web, to implement specific requests of the person concerned, for pre-contractual and contractual obligations, for routine administrative, financial and accounting tasks, to manage customer requests during the marketing and the sale of products or the provision of services, for the after sales service, for the fulfilment of legal obligations.
The data processing is also aimed at the production of statistics in anonymous form or after a pseudonymisation process. At the request of the person concerned or after acquisition of specific consent, the data processing can be carried out also for the detection of the degree of satisfaction, of tastes, of preferences and habits of the customer, for sending commercial information or advertising material, for direct marketing campaigns, for delivering fidelity cards related to particular conditions of sale, for participation in games, competitions or prize draws, for involvement in events, for the provision of services, for market research and other operations directly or indirectly associated to marketing activities. Other data may be forwarded to the owner by the person concerned for possible recruitment or commercial collaboration.

Data object of the data processing

Browsing data


IP Address, operating system and browser used for websurfing activities, date and time of connection and disconnection, time spent visiting the website, pages viewed, activity, location (if the service is active) and any other information made available or transmitted by the device of the person concerned, according to the security settings selected



Name, Surname, email address and other data sent by the Person concerned to the email address of the Owner or by the preset forms

(if present)


Email address of the person concerned to send periodic communications on products, services and initiatives of the Owner

Work with us
(if present)

Common, special

Name, Surname, email address, telephone numbers and mailing address, education and studies, past work experiences and any other information useful for staff recruitment (among the data submitted by the person concerned may be present particular data related to the aims pursued)

(if present)


Name, surname, email address, telephone numbers and mailing address, other information useful for establishing possible commercial collaboration

The act of filling the forms on the web site in order to receive information about our products and services, involves the acquisition of customer data in the computer system of the Owner. The information are protected by an authentication system and are reachable only by a person who is in possession of the relevant credentials. In other cases the procedure generates an email message addressed to the Owner, which is treated in accordance with the requests of the Person concerned. E-mail communications involve the storage of the email address of the Person concerned, needed for responding to his/her requests. This includes data stored in the message. The Owner suggests not to transmit data or personal information to third parties unless it is absolutely necessary.

Data from Minors
Personal data from minors are processed with the consent of the parents and with the limits imposed by law, without prejudice to the requirements of art. 2-D of the Legislative Decree No. 196/2003, as introduced by Legislative Decree No. 101/2018. The Owner will not be liable in any way for any false statements that might be provided by minors and should he ascertain the falsity of the statement, he will immediately cancel any personal and other information acquired.

Nature of conferment
Processing contact data is essential in order to satisfy the requests of the Person concerned and to comply with the contractual obligations. Granting access to data is therefore necessary, since otherwise it be possible to process them. Any improper or insufficient communication of the data requested may imply the total or partial impossibility to execute the requests of the Person concerned and the possible lack of correspondence between the results of the data processing with the existing agreements or obligations imposed by the rules and regulations. Additional information may be required for the recruitment purposes (vocational training, past working experiences) and commercial collaboration (past working experiences, financial solvency). Other data are collected only for the purpose of adapting websurfing, campaigns, offers, production and stocks, as well as, in general, company business, to the tastes and interests of clients. Their conferral, therefore, is not compulsory and the possible refusal to processing or the revocation of consent already given shall not prejudice the establishment and continuation of the main relationship.

Legal bases of the data processing performed by the Owner are the obligations relating to the pre-contractual and contractual relationship, the legal obligations, the legitimate interests of the Owner to manage the data needed to improve the offer of products and services, the consent expressed by the parties concerned. It is possible to request the Owner to specify the legal basis for each data processing.

Terms of conservation
The data processed by the Owner, without prejudice to the obligations of the law, are kept up to the express request of cancellation on the part of the Person concerned and in any case periodically checked, even with automated procedures in order to ensure the update and the actual compliance with the aims of the data processing. If the purposes for which they were acquired are no longer valid, the data will be deleted, unless they must be processed in order to comply with legal obligations, in order to protect rights in judicial proceedings or at the express request of the Person concerned (10 years from the termination of the relationship, 12 months for the CVs). At the end of the processing and as a result of the cancellation, the rights of the Person concerned may no longer be exercised.

Browsing data
The IT system and the software used for the company web portal acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of the Internet communication products: IP addresses and domain names of the computers used by the user to connect to the site, Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the resource requested, time of request, method used to send the request to the server, the size of the file received, numeric code used to indicate the status of the response given by the server (done or error, etc.) and other parameters related to the operating system and to the computer of the user. These information are not stored to identify the persons concerned but, for their nature, may, through processing and association with other data allow the identification of the user. They are used to provide anonymous statistics on the use of the site and to check its correct operation. They are normally deleted immediately after processing. They can be used and provided to the forces of law and order and to the courts in order to ascertain responsibility in case of damage of the site or offences perpetrated through the network.

Some information regarding websurfing are stored on the computer of the customer and read by the system at the next connection. This file, called "cookie" contains data that do not have personal nature because they do not allow the specific identification of the user, but may, through processing and association with other data. The information contained in cookies allow seeing the frequency of visits to a specific web site and the activities carried out during browsing. In this way, over time, it is possible to improve the content of the web site and to make the use easier for the user. Even companies that transmit content to the web site or whose sites are accessible via links may use cookies when the user selects the link. In these cases the use of cookies is not under the direct control of the Owner of the treatment. Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but it is possible to refuse them or to select only some, according to the preferences set from the user. However, if the user inhibits the loading of cookies, some components of the site may stop responding and some pages may be incomplete.

Technical essential cookies

These are cookie needed to ensure a correct and fluid operation of the web site: allow browsing the page, content sharing, storing the login credentials to make access to the site more rapid and to maintain the preferences active during browsing, facilitating browsing or purchasing experience. Without these cookies it is not possible to provide, entirely or in part, the services for which users access the site.

Statistical cookies

Permit to understand how users use the web site in order to then be able to assess and improve its operation, in order to produce always more appropriate contents. Permit to know which are most and least visited pages, how many users visit the site, how much time is spent on the site by users average and how visitors reach the site. In this way it is possible to determine what are the optimal operations and the most popular contents and how to improve the contents and the functionality of the pages.

Cookie of analysis

These are used to keep track of the searches carried out by the user in order to be able to propose products and services that comply with the previous browsing and searches. These are normally used for the of re-marketing operations, through which advertising relating to previous browsing and searches and similar products and services is conveyed to the user during browsing.

Profiling cookies

These are instruments suitable to store the choices made by the user during browsing, in order to create personal profiles able to classify and index tastes, preferences, browsing and consumption habits. Through the generation of these profiles it is possible to improve the browsing experience of the user but above all this can be oriented towards his/her preferences, ability and possibility to purchase or use services. They can be disabled without creating any obstacle or impediment to browsing.

Third party cookies

These are cookies used by third parties that not directly controlled by the Owner. The company cannot give any guarantee with respect to the use that will be made of the data, because these are directly processed by an external entity
Third-party cookies permit to deliver advanced functionality, more information and personal features, including the ability to share content via social networks and have a personalised experience of the site on the basis of the preferences expressed through the pages visited.
When using these external services, those who delivers them may be able to know that the user has visited the site of the Owner. The use of the data collected by these external operators is subjected to policies on data protection of the same. Third party cookies are identified with the names of their respective operators and can be deactivated.

Cookies management
Through the selection of the OK button shown from the banner in overlay, it is possible to authorize the installation of cookies on the device to the person concerned. It is possible to change the cookies settings using the specific selectors or through the features of the browser. It is possible to prevent the installation of third party cookies and remove cookies previously installed, including those containing tastes, habits and preferences. To set or change the browser settings it is necessary to consult the guide of the manufacturer of the software or of the application. Information on how to manage the cookies on your browser are available at the addresses: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge. More information about cookies used by the site may be required directly to the data processing Owner

Third party sites
The site, even only periodically, may contain links to third-party sites and applications (Google Adwords, Analitycs, Youtube, Vimeo, etc.), to provide additional services and information to the user. When the user uses these connections, he/she leaves the company website and access other resources that are not under the direct control of the data processing Owner, who, therefore, will not be responsible for the procedures relating to browsing, to security and to the processing of personal data operated by other sites, even if in co-branding or with exposure of the company logo. We recommend to carry out a careful examination of the security and confidentiality procedures of the site visited which could transmit more cookies, read those already present on the hard disk of the user and ask / acquire additional personal information.

Management of newsletter services
The newsletter, if present, is managed by a software that uses a database of email addresses to send notifications to registered users (via the special section of the site) and which provides for a procedure for automatic cancellation that the Person concerned can autonomously use, and that must be present in any communication sent by this instrument.

Recruitment forms
These forms acquire the information needed for a first evaluation of the candidate in order to decide whether to call him/her in for an interview and for the examination of the effective correspondence to the position available in the company. Normally the CV written and produced by the candidate is associated to a series of standard information (name, surname, address telephones and mailing addresses, email addresses, level of education and previous working experiences). If the selection is successful, the data are transmitted to the office responsible for the recruitment, otherwise they are kept for a period considered reasonable in relation to the necessary updating by the candidate.

Partnership and franchise forms
These forms acquire the information needed for a first evaluation of the commercial partners and of its current activity, in order to make a selection before the talks aimed at the conclusion of the contract. Interaction with social networks and external platforms The site, through widget and buttons, can interact with external platforms and social networks. In this case the information acquired depends on the settings of the profiles used by the user and not by the Owner. The buttons "Like" on Facebook, "Tweet" on Twitter", "Recommended" on Linkedin, etc., allow to share pages or the content of the site with respective social platforms and acquire data of the Person concerned. More information can be acquired at the sites of the companies that offer this service. The data in this case are not managed by the site of the Owner, which connects these buttons only to offer a further service to the Person concerned but has no control over them

Automated decision-making processes
The Owner does not use automated decision-making processes (or uses the following automated decision-making processes (processes) for the following data processing (data processing))

Communication and dissemination
The data processed by the site are solely of common nature and are not intended for dissemination. The Owner does not request and has no interest to detect and process data classified by the Regulation as "special" (health, genetic, biometric, etc.) or "criminal", without prejudice to legal obligations and to the acquisition of curricula via the "Work with us" section or voluntarily sent by the Person concerned via email (which will in any case be treated in compliance with the rules on the management of employment practices or potential). The data will be communicated to third parties, which may take depending on the type of relationship, the qualification of the Data Processing Officer ex art. 28, Reg. EU 679/2016 or of mere recipients of the communication, for activities related to or arising from the activity of the Owner or in the fulfilment of obligations arising from laws or regulations (Institutions, Forces of Law and Order, Judicial Authorities, etc.). By way of example and not of limitation are mentioned:

  • Subjects who need to know the details of the Person concerned for purposes concerning the relationship with the Owner (Credit institutions, insurance companies, financial intermediaries, electronic money institutions and payments management companies, credit recovery companies, customers due diligence companies, communication company, etc.);
  • Consultants, collaborators, service companies within the limits necessary to perform the task conferred by the Owner;
  • Subsidiaries and/or associated companies that can access the data, within the limits strictly necessary to carry out the tasks entrusted to them by the Owner;
  • Post offices, transport and courier companies;

The updated list of the Data Processing Officer is available at the premises of the Owner.

Transfer abroad
Data conferred spontaneously may, within the limits of the consent signed or of contractual agreements signed by the Owner, be communicated to subjects operating in the context of the European Union or in countries that provide the same level of protection required by the European Regulation 679/2016.

Rights of the Interested Party
Interested parties are recognized the rights referred to in articles 15 to 22 of GDPR 679/2016. In particular, the Person concerned has the right to access his/her data (art. 15) to request correction, updating, integration (art. 16) and deletion (art. 17), to limit the use by the Owner (Art. 18), to obtain a copy in structured format, of common use and readable by an automatic device (art. 20), to oppose the treatment given the necessary conditions (arts. 21 and 22). The rights can be exercised within the limits in which the data processing is not mandatory for the provisions of law or regulation. The instances relating to the exercise of the rights of the Person concerned can be forwarded to the Owner of the data processing at The Person concerned, if is not satisfied with the feedback provided against his/her requests, may submit a complaint to the competent Authority for the Protection of Personal Data. The citizen of another Member State of the European Union has the right to refer to the Supervisory Authorities of his/her own country.